The Iceberg rose (Korbin rose) is a fantastic white rose for a part shade garden or outside space. This ice white rose has a light, sweet fragrance. Wildlife love the open flower, which keeps its white colour throughout the heat of the summer compared to other roses.
Save 20% on outdoor plants and pre-designed borders before February 28th! Discounts are automatically applied at the checkout. Plants will be delivered in the spring. A member of the Soto team will be in touch in March to arrange a suitable date for delivery.

Top Tip
Feed Iceberg well with a rose fertiliser to help ward-off blackspot. Do this when planting, at the end of May before flowering and again during mid summer.
How to care for Iceberg Rose

The Iceberg rose thrives in sunny conditions but can do well in part shade.

Care Level
Deadhead regularly, Iceberg is an excellent repeat flowerer. Prune in late winter or early spring, removing any dead, damaged or weak-looking stems.

Iceberg needs lots of water when establishing.

Plant with a high quality, peat-free compost. Use a rose feed in early spring and again mid summer to encourage flowering.

Iceberg doesn't like to sit in soggy soil, don't let it become waterlogged. Ensure good drainage by using potting grit when planting.