How to prepare for your indoor plant delivery
Preparing for your Indoor plant delivery is the best way to have healthy and happy plants. In this guide we suggest the key steps to getting ready for delivery.
Follow our guide on how to prepare for indoor plant delivery and what to do when it arrives with you.
Consider your light conditions
Before the delivery day, decide where your plants will call home. Think about what light requirements your new plant has. Place them near windows for sunlight or in well-lit corners for shade-loving varieties. Check the plant profile to check this information.
Do you need plant food?
Some indoor plants benefit from a dose of plant food to help feed their growth and help them thrive. Whilst some require feeding frequently, others prefer to be left alone and thrive with neglect!
Understand the plants watering requirements.
Do you know how much water your new plant requires? Some plants prefer slightly moist soil, others thrive in drier conditions. This information can be found on the plant profile page. The plant will be watered (if appropriate) before they leave Soto HQ but check the soil when it arrives to see if it is thirsty.
Does your plant like humidity?
Some plants such as ferns thrive in humid conditions whereas others aren’t notably affected. Each plant profile notes the humidity level required so it is easy to check. Place these plants in a bathroom or regular misting can help create a more humid environment.
Get your plant pot ready
Choosing the right plant pot is crucial for the health and well-being of your plant. On each plants page we recommend the pot size for your indoor plant and suggest options to style the plant with. The plant will fit in the pot if the indicated nursery pot size is less than the diameter listed.
Unpackage your plants on arrival
Plants are living things! When your plants arrive, it is important to take them out of their box as soon as you can.
Monitor and Adjust
Keep a watchful eye on your plants during the first few weeks. Monitor their growth, check for any warning signs listed on their profile and adjust their care routine as needed.
Share the joy!
We’d love to see how you style your plants at home. Inspire others and tag @sotogardens when posting on social media.
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